Tuesday, July 8, 2008


In mathematics, connectedness is used to refer to various properties meaning, in some sense, "all one piece".

I remember while attending yoga as an undergrad, our yoga instructor would remind us all to be quiet and steady in our poses because if one of us fidgeted, chances are it would become contagious and like a domino effect, we would all start fidgeting because we are all connected.

When I think about connectedness I can't help but sit in awe of how Good and Great God is. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning and each and everything that occurs throughout our day, it is not coincidence nor is it happenstance - every experience is designed so that God gets all of the Glory.

I think about my train ride to work. The conductor, the motor man, the other people on the train with me, the token booth clerk. I think about the security guards at work, my co-workers, the CEO, the directors, the managers and the rest of the staff. Just as a great infrastructure cannot survive without the foundation and the intertwining of very important materials, we cannot survive without one another.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


One time I heard a sermon on "Tears" and the preacher said that if you cannot cry it is probably due to some sin in your life.

The truth is that as I’ve grown into an adult, I haven’t been much of a crier. I cry when I am overwhelmingly sad but I know some who cry a lot, sometimes every week, for many reasons. I attribute my hardened emotions to bad relationships and my resolve to move forward and not hold on to the past. I'm a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of a woman" and there just isn't any time for sitting down and crying when you have to keep a clear head and a vision for moving on.

However, lately I've been noticing that my right eye is tearing a little more than usual. Last night in our monthly Sister Circle, when the topic of mothers arose, I couldn't help but allow my tears to break free. I love my mother so much and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I have a loving relationship with her and as far as I know we're good.

Then today one of my friends tells me of a family situation that occurred with her and once again I started crying. Crying in two days is way too much for me!

I'm learning that shedding tears, crying, is sometimes the best medicine. Crying relieves tension. Crying with someone shows that you understand, you support and you can bond with them.

"Tears are a gift from God. They help us heal, and are a valuable aid to restoring inner calmness and peace. All of us have experienced times when we felt our heart would break, if we could not release the pent up emotions of sorrow, pain, anger, fear or disappointment. Emotional tears release harmful chemicals that build up in the body, due to stress."

It felt so good to allow myself a moment to roll my shoulders back and allow my release to come. I don't know how often this will happen but I know that the next time an emotion overcomes me, I simply must surrender ME and let go.

Lonnette Harrell

Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok Chosen, I'm going to be presumptive when I say... This post is for US....

Last night while arguing with the "new one" who I believe has already bitten the dust, he called me an Alpha Male (not an Alpha Female, he actually called me an Alpha Male) and told me that I am not what he's looking for.

I shirked my shoulders, even though he couldn't see me and I continued with my sassiness, sarcasm and tatting with his titts until we were both worn and too tired to continue the angry tirade.

True to me.... I forgot the comment until today while at work when I called him, more subtle and relaxed. True to him... he was still angry and holding a grudge.

Are we officially done?... It remains to be seen but I'm sincerely hoping not.

However, there's another issue that I must address and it's my aggressiveness. In relationships I know that I am very flexible, loving and giving, but I'm also very scrutinizing and non-believing of...ummm, hmmm, yeah... just about anything and I am aggressive. I realize that this is to my detriment and these three aspects of me cannot all exist. By me being single and not seriously dating or being so used to dealing with the same ole okey-doke, I may be a little unable to allow a brother to freely lead. I ask questions and don't believe the answers. And I will run my mouth just a wee bit too much and before long, I'm deemed a difficult woman... not by all men, but I'm learning this is the case with this one man.

The truth is, I long for a relationship. To be joined with someone, to laugh and joke and have fun and to be free, believing and trusting and growing. But I know that I must set the stage. Our conversations and dealings can be pleasant or a nuisance and for the most part, it depends on me.

Proverbs 15:1

I remember a talk that you and I had, Lu, in the back office about changing and you said to me, "You can change, but you really have to want to". And then I think of the song Jill Scott sang on "Who is Jill Scott?" called "Show Me"...

"If I needed you to replenish my faith in brothers, Could you do it?

If I needed you to be, cool with my strength, Could you do it?

You're constantly talking about how much you love me, want me, need me,

you told me stop talking

No more conversation necessary..."

If you recall, my response to you was that I wanted to change, but the truth is I have become very comfortable with the flippant me. The ME who does not back away from an argument or a snide remark. The ME who doesn't want to be fooled again or hurt. The ME who does not trust or believe anything anymore.

There is something inside of me is telling me not to let go. I told him last night that he was complicated and that I'm not emotionally built for the back and forth in relationships, but then I called him back to apologize and asked him can if we can both press F5 to refresh... It could have been my ego... telling me not to let up until dude and I are official. It could be the alpha [fe]male in me telling me that I must be the leader and have my way. Or it could be the woman in me who sees and desires to get to know this dude, who I think is actually very nice and special but even if we don't work out (I'm crossing my fingers that I haven't messed things up too much!) I know that I must liberate my softer side...

"My dear friends, you should be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. If you are angry, you cannot do any of the good things that God wants done. You must stop doing anything immoral or evil. Instead be humble and accept the message that is planted in you to save you. "

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Congratulations are definitely in order!!! Applause to you, Chosen (aka Lu), for completing this semester, looking forward to summer classes.


I know it's not easy for a single, working, MOM to accomplish all you have and so I commend you. Keep on keeping on.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

You Can't Make Me Doubt Him

Today marks the end of my Intro to World Religions Class and the spring semester. I have a total of 84 credits now and I am just blessed. Giving Honor to God who is truly the Head of my life... and while that is a Church clique it truly summarizes my feeling now. This class has been particularly trying..But I made it.
It appears that I am currently going through a shift, that includes my Job I am moving to a new office and learning someone Else's job only I missed the more money part but whatever. My aunt who watched my babe while I attended class moved, the part of Motherhood that I find the hardest is reliable childcare. This situation rears it head more times than I care to remember and its always accompanied by fear, pain, panic, regrets, hurt, shame, bitterness. Watch this though.
My latter Shall be Greater

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Never

I have found that lately, after grad school, after earning this promotion that my life is a little routine and mundane and I came up with this list of nevers. I'm not sure I would ever really want to do all of these things but it's my personal goal to move toward achieving and living life to the fullest.

I've Never!!!

I've never been married

I've never been tattooed

I've never gotten my driving license

I've never been proposed to

So therefore I've never been married

I've never been pregnant - I repeat, I've never been pregnant

I've never been in a relationship longer than 3 years

I've never shaved my head

I've never skinny dipped

I've never seen the pyramids in Egypt (in person)

I've never rode a motorcyle

I've never been a bride's maid or the maid of honor

I've never been to a nude beach

I've never bought a meal for someone homeless

I've never flown first class

I've never spent the night in jail


But I have

Flown on a plane

Gone to Cancun

Gone to a rap concert

Slept underneath the stars

Showered in the rain

Milked a cow

Made cheese from milk

Gotten suspended from school (high school)

Swam with dolphins

Cried over a good book

And I laughed so hard that I peed on my self

Thursday, May 1, 2008


It feels so Good to finally be able to sit and take a breath. I have been pushing full steam ahead this week. At times I wanted to break but I made it. Only one more paper left and I can truly say i am ending this week way better than I started. I learned an important lesson this week. It pays to push. I Pledge now to never give up. I don't care what it look like or feels like. I will not quit. Why? because in the end it really does get better. I have purpose written all over me and I refuse to accept any other classification. I heard a sermon by T.D. Jakes "nothing just happens" and I am persuaded that even when I try to get out of the will of God I am in the will of God. Look at Jonah. I release the classifications that have been places on my life. Yeah all of em. I no longer accept the definitions that other have imposed on me. I define me. Guess what is my first Classification.
I am a overcomer..........